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Early Symptoms of Kidney Disease You Need to Know

Kidney is one of the important organs for the human body. Damage and decreased kidney function can cause various problems, even can cause complications. It is important to recognize the early symptoms of kidney disease, so it is not too late in handling it. Kidney function filters blood that flows from the whole body. From this filtering, the kidneys will separate poisons, regulate electrolyte balance, and control fluid balance in the body. Filtered blood will then come out of the body in the form of urine. Given its very important function, kidney health must always be maintained so as not to suffer damage.

These Early Symptoms Need To Watch Out

Early symptoms of kidney disease sometimes are not really realized or does not appear, until in the end the main function of the kidneys begins to decline. Decreased kidney function is usually characterized by symptoms such as:
  • Small amount of urine.
  • Pale, itchy, and very dry skin.
  • Nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite.
  • Swelling in several parts of the body, such as the eyes and ankles.
  • The occurrence of muscle cramps, especially the muscles of the legs.
  • Shortness of breath or the emergence of fatigue constantly.
  • Bad breath smells and smells like urine.
  • Experiencing high blood pressure or hypertension.
If it occurs in children, usually the early symptoms of kidney disease include frequent drowsiness, decreased appetite, slow growth and easy feeling tired.

How to Maintain Kidney Health

Before your kidneys get damaged or experience deteriorating deterioration, of course it's better to continue to maintain kidney health. Do some ways to maintain kidney health as follows:
  • Eat healthy foods

  • Consumption of more grains, vegetables, and fruit can help maintain kidney health. Make sure the food you consume is rich in minerals and vitamins needed by the body. Avoid consuming too much fatty or too salty food.
  • Drink enough mineral water

  • Ensuring a well hydrated body is important for maintaining kidney health. If you don't drink enough, your kidneys will not be able to function properly. To find out if your body is well hydrated, pay attention to the color of your urine. If the urine is dark, then the body needs more water.
  • Stay away from alcoholic drinks and cigarettes

  • Too often consuming alcoholic beverages and smoking can increase the risk of kidney disease. Although it does not have a direct effect, alcoholic beverages and cigarettes can cause high blood pressure and hypertension which is one of the causes of kidney disease.
  • Take care of your weight

  • Excessive things can cause bad effects, as well as weight. Rising weight can increase blood pressure which is harmful to the kidneys and increases the risk of heart disease. Therefore, pay attention to your body weight and body mass index, and do regular exercise to get the ideal body weight.
There is no part of our body that is not important to maintain its health, including the kidneys. So try to always maintain the health of this organ well. Also recognize the initial symptoms of kidney disease above so that if it turns out you have kidney disease, you can overcome it as early as possible.
